VT Markets, a leading technology-oriented CFD broker, today announced another major steps of expanding their business globally – their official website is now ready to support 7 languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Vietnamese and Chinese. The pages will be deployed within the next 2 weeks.
Mark X., the Chief Branding Offers of VT Markets, said, “This is another step we take in Project ‘VT Markets 2.0’ to expand our business from APAC region to world-wide, and it is also a strong signal to show that VT Markets is capable of servicing clients all over the world and provide the exceptional trading environment that they’ve ever experienced.”
VT Markets has always been built on transparency, trust, credibility and a well-satisfied service offering as a CFD broker – after upgrading its Client Portal & IB Portal, and optimising its tradeable instruments earlier this year, VT Markets is now one step closer to give a huge shout out to CFD traders around the world.
“Innovation makes the difference”, our elite teams are still working to provide even more features to our clients – more funding channels, faster account openings, in-depth reporting, a much better user-computer interaction interface; for our affiliates, the latest partnership with Cellxpert will make a more effective affiliate management system implemented & ready to go in the next few weeks. We’ve put a great deal of effort and expertise into developing a process that makes everything easier for our clients.
VT Markets will not be stopped moving forward with the pandemic. In the second half of 2020, VT Markets’ existing clients and new-comers will see more changes done here, stay tuned and take a look at the new and improved VT Markets website https://www.vtmarkets.com/ and its Next-gen client portal https://myaccount.vtmarkets.com/
Optimised by Marketix.
风险提示: 差价合约交易具有高风险,可能并不适合所有投资者。差价合约交易中的杠杆可以放大收益和损失,有可能超过您的初始资金。在交易差价合约之前,请认真评估个人财务状况、投资目标和承担资金损失的能力,并确保您已了解与交易相关的所有风险。市场是持续变化的,过去的表现不足以成为预测未来行情的可靠指标。请参阅我们的法律文件以全面了解差价合约交易风险。
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VT Markets 是一个在不同司法管辖区拥有多个授权和注册实体的品牌名称。
· VT Global Pty Ltd 经澳大利亚证券和投资委员会 (ASIC) 授权并受其监管,许可证号为 516246。
· VT Global 不是衍生品的发行方或做市商,仅被允许向批发客户提供服务。
· VT Markets (Pty) Ltd 是一家经南非金融部门行为监管局 (FSCA) 注册和监管的授权金融服务提供商 (FSP),许可证号为 50865。
· VT Markets Limited 是一家由毛里求斯金融服务委员会 (FSC) 授权和监管的投资交易商,牌照号为 GB23202269。
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