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    The Soft Commodities You Can Trade in the Philippines

    May 2, 2023

    Trading Soft Commodities in the Philippines

    As a trader in the Philippines, it is important to understand the various investment options available to you. One such option is soft commodities trading. Soft commodities are agricultural products such as coffee, cocoa, sugar, and cotton that are grown and harvested as crops. These commodities can be traded just like stocks and bonds, and traders look for an opportunity to profit from the price fluctuations.

    Soft Commodities Trading Platform

    VT Markets Philippines provides soft commodities trading on our platform for traders. On top of that, our company provides you with access to a wide range of soft commodities to trade with. Here is a list of the soft commodities that you can trade with us via MetaTrader4:


    Explore coffee trading on VT Markets Philippines image

    Coffee soft commodities trading can have a significant impact on the economy of the Philippines. Additionally, coffee is one of the country’s major exports and plays a crucial role in the livelihoods of many Filipino families. Therefore, the price of coffee on the international market directly affects the income of coffee farmers in the Philippines.

    Read here for a guide to commodity Gold Trading in the Philippines


    The trading of cocoa soft commodities in the Philippines can indirectly impact on the country’s economy. The country’s production and export of cocoa play a crucial role in the global supply chain, and the demand for cocoa continues to grow. Thus, you can potentially benefit from trading in Cocoa, while contributing to the economic growth of the country.


    Philippines is one of the major producer and exporter of Sugar, trade Sugar with VT Markets Philippines image

    The Philippines is a major producer and exporter of sugar, and the demand for sugar is constant globally. As a result, trading in sugar soft commodities can provide traders in the Philippines an alternative investment. In addition, the sugar industry in the Philippines is a crucial sector for the country’s economy.


    By participating in cotton soft commodities trading, traders may find opportunities to profit from the price fluctuations. Furthermore, the demand for cotton is constant globally, which makes it an attractive investment option for traders.

    Orange Juice

    Orange juice is a popular soft commodity that is traded on our platform. As a perishable commodity, the price of orange juice can be volatile, making it attractive for traders. However, due to its price fluctuations, this type of trading may not be suitable for all traders.


    In summary, soft commodities trading can be a valuable investment opportunity for traders in the Philippines. Nevertheless, it is essential for you to have a strong understanding of the market before you start trading with real money. Lastly, you should test your trading strategies with our demo account to ensure proper understanding of the industry.