The oil and gas industry encompasses different types of oil, such as crude oil, no-lead gasoline, natural gas, and heating oils. Among these, crude oil remains the largest and most widely traded sector, sourced from various points of origin worldwide. …
What is Copper? Copper is a widely used hard commodity that finds applications in various sectors, including technology, construction, plumbing, and wiring. While it may be less expensive compared to precious metals like silver and gold, copper’s exceptional properties as …
Gold has long been a highly prised precious metal, known for its lustrous appearance, unique properties, and historical use as a form of currency. While many global currencies were once backed by gold under the gold standard, this system was …
What are commodities? In simple terms, commodities are the raw materials that are harvested, collected, and processed into everyday goods and services used by humans. Unlike stocks or bonds, commodities are physical materials and goods. Trading commodities can be potentially …
Forex trading is a global market that operates 24 hours a day. And it is important to know the best times to trade in order to maximise your profits. The Forex market can be divided into four major trading sessions: …
There are several ways to trade Forex, and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most popular financial instruments used in Forex trading include retail Forex, spot FX, currency futures, currency options, currency exchange-traded funds (or ETFs), Forex …
To be short, the answer is “currencies”. When we want to talk about different types of currencies, we use three-letter symbols to represent them. The first two letters in the symbol tell us which country the currency comes from, and …
Forex is a short term for “foreign exchange,” which means changing one currency to another. Let’s say you’re travelling from France to the United States. You’ll need to change your euros to US dollars. When you go to the bank, …
What is NFP and Why is Important? The Non-Farm Payroll (NFP) report is a monthly economic release that provides insight into the employment situation in the United States. It is a highly significant economic indicator and is widely used by …
What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the economic activity of a country. It is the total monetary value of all the goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific …
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