About: anakin

Recent Posts by anakin

Notification of Server Upgrade

Dear Client, As part of our commitment to provide the most reliable service to our clients, there will be server maintenance this weekend. Maintenance Hours : 2022/11/12 13:00 – 18:00 (Server time) Please note that the following aspects might be affected during the maintenance: During this weekend’s maintenance period, clients can still trade as usualContinue Reading

The Adjustment Of Weekly Dividend Notification

Dear Client, Warmly reminds you that the component stocks in the stock index spot generate dividends. When dividends are distributed, VT Markets will make dividends and deductions for the clients who hold the trading products after the close of the day before the ex-dividend date. Indices dividends will not be paid/charged as an inclusion alongContinue Reading

November Futures Rollover Announcement

Dear Client, New contracts will automatically be rolled over as follows: Please note: • The rollover will be automatic, and any existing open positions will remain open. • Positions that are open on the expiration date will be adjusted via a rollover charge or credit to reflect the price difference between the expiring and newContinue Reading

Optimization of UKOUSD (Brent Crude Oil Cash)

Dear Client, To improve your trading experience, we are optimizing the specifications of UKOUSD (Brent Crude Oil Cash) on 8 November 2022 (Tuesday). Please note that: 1. During the optimization period, if you are holding a position in UKOUSD, a debit or credit adjustment will be made to your account to reflect the price differenceContinue Reading

VT Markets Expands Trade Offerings with the Addition of 7 New Bond CFDs

VT Markets, a global multi-asset broker, has added a selection of 7 bond CFDs to its vast array of trade offerings and assets. This addition further enables traders to expand their portfolios and gain exposure to some of the most exciting markets in the world.  Their new products feature bonds from countries such as theContinue Reading

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