About: anakin

Recent Posts by anakin

Notification of Server Upgrade

Dear Client, As part of our commitment to provide the most reliable service to our clients, there will be a server maintenance this weekend. Maintenance Hours : 2022/10/22 02:00 – 15:00 (Server time) Please note that the following aspects might be affected during the maintenance: 1. The price quote feature on the Client Portal willContinue Reading

VT Markets as the Gold Sponsor at Forex Expo Dubai 2022

VT Markets, a regulated multi-asset broker, is determined to make its presence in the Middle Eastern market impactful and substantial amidst its global expansion plans. Forex Expo Dubai 2022 is the largest trading event happening on 19-20 October at the World Trade Center, Dubai. The 2-day event brought industrial leaders, business partners, experts, and tradersContinue Reading

The Adjustment Of Weekly Dividend Notification

Dear Client, Warmly reminds you that the component stocks in the stock index spot generate dividends. When dividends are distributed, VT Markets will make dividends and deductions for the clients who hold the trading products after the close of the day before the ex-dividend date. Indices dividends will not be paid/charged as an inclusion alongContinue Reading

Intermediate 6: 15 most popular candlestick patterns you should know

Candlestick charts existed in Japan for a century before the West even created what we now know as the bar and point-and-figure charts. Steve Nison eventually introduced the candlestick pattern to the West through his book, “Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques,” and it is still being used widely by traders around the world as one ofContinue Reading

Intermediate 5: Understanding Japanese candlesticks

What are Japanese Candlesticks? Candlestick charts are a popular tool used in technical analysis. They are often used to determine possible price movements based on past patterns, during both bull and bear markets. The concept originated in 1700 when a Japanese man named Honma Munehisa discovered that while supply and demand mainly determined the costContinue Reading

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