About: anakin

Recent Posts by anakin

Notification of Trading Adjustment in Holiday – October 30, 2023

Dear Client, Please note that the following instruments’ trading hours will be affected by the upcoming holidays. Note: The dash sign (-) indicates normal trading hours. The above data is for reference only, please refer to the MT4/MT5 software for specific data. If you’d like more information, please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected].

Dividend Adjustment Notice – October 27, 2023

Dear Client, Please note that the dividends of the following products will be adjusted accordingly. Index dividends will be executed separately through a balance statement directly to your trading account, and the comment will be in the following format “Div & Product Name & Net Volume ”. Please refer to the table below for moreContinue Reading

Notification of Server Upgrade – October 27, 2023

Dear Client, As part of our commitment to provide the most reliable service to our clients, there will be server maintenance this weekend. Maintenance Hours : 28th of October 2023 (Saturday) 02:00 – 07:00 (GMT+3) Please note that the following aspects might be affected during the maintenance: 1. The price quote and trading management willContinue Reading

Dividend Adjustment Notice – October 26, 2023

Dear Client, Please note that the dividends of the following products will be adjusted accordingly. Index dividends will be executed separately through a balance statement directly to your trading account, and the comment will be in the following format “Div & Product Name & Net Volume ”. Please refer to the table below for moreContinue Reading

End of Daylight Saving Time in the US – October 26, 2023

Dear Client, Due to the end of U.S. Daylight Saving Time on November 6, 2023, the trading hours for certain products on MT4/MT5 will change. On the same day, the server time will also change from GMT+3 to GMT+2. Please refer to the table below outlining the affected instruments: The above information is provided forContinue Reading

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